Where does the style come from? Why do most successful men often develop their own? Can you learn to have style and develop your own?
In this series of exclusive interviews for MANO we try to understand the secrets and vision of successful personalities who have made style their own trademark.

Today we have with us Stefano Marzano, Digital Marketing & Services Manager of Esprinet.

Hi Stefano, let's start by telling our readers something about you and your entrepreneurial story.

I am Stefano Marzano, born and raised in Milan where I still live today. Always passionate and curious about new technologies and the web, as well as deeply loving nature and sport.

Open to any kind of comparison or challenge.

My career started as a web consultant during the last year of university, and then became a manager in the same context, until today in the role I hold as Digital Marketing & Services Manager.
In all these years I have never stopped studying and deepening the legal dynamics of the Web and today of everything related to Digital.

What does having style mean to you?

Do not exceed, knowing how to distinguish yourself without showing off.
Knowing how to attract the attention of people you deem interesting, who in turn are able to express a style that is always appropriate to the context, being able to distinguish you from the crowd.

What are the ways, not necessarily related to fashion or accessories, with which you express the fact that you are a man of style?

Even just with the tone of voice, which must never be high and out of place or from the terms used and from calm movements and never exaggerated in gestures.

Globalization tends to standardize production and make it efficient in commercial processes, leaving less room for small production companies.
In the light of this statement, how much value do you attribute to Italian craftsmanship?

I attribute a very high value to it and I hope it can have more and more, thanks also to projects and entrepreneurs who can help our craftsmanship to emerge even more, especially abroad.

What are the 3 things you like most about Italian craftsmanship and how do you think the "new class" of Italian artisans should move today, from a commercial point of view?

1. The tradition
2. The diversification linked to the culture of the territory
3. The skill of the craftsmen themselves, who in Italy know how to distinguish themselves from the rest of the world.

I believe that they too must make the qualitative leap in terms of "making themselves known" and selling online, and all thanks to the dynamics that only digital today can offer.

Your professional history belongs to someone who moved with autonomy and independence. If you had one suggestion to give to young people entering the world of work, what would you suggest to them?

To never stop being curious and never stop learning, especially the changes around them!